Monday, July 9, 2012

Sign Petition Today to Protect whales and dolphins

A petition has been traveling the Net recently to stop the Navy from killing or deafening whales and dolphins by underwater testing. According to the U.S. Navy's own estimates, the use of high-frequency underwater sound for testing in Hawaii, off the California and Atlantic Coasts, and in the Gulf of Mexico will deafen 15,900 whales and dolphins and kill 1,800 more over the next five years.

Whales and dolphins depend on sound to navigate and live.

The Navy is required to include comments from the public on their Environmental Impact Statement, so your signature and comment on this petition could help stop this program and save the lives of these ocean creatures.

The deadline of Tuesday, July 10.

The petition now has more than 410,000 signatures, so let's move to to the 500,000 mark!

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