Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Endangered Species Day Is May 21, 2010

Endangered Species Day this year will be on May 21, 2010.  On that day, the Fish and Wildlife Service will observe Endangered Species Day in order to recognize the national conservation effort to protect our nation’s endangered species and their habitats.

 Check your species knowledge with this Endangered Species Quiz

I will post the answers this Friday at 8 AM EDT

1) The Endangered Species Act is one of the most successful environmental laws ever put into place, and has been credited with having saved _______% of the species it protects.

b.) 80%
c.) 99%
d.) 85%

2) True or false? There are more plants on the lists of endangered and threatened species in the United States than animals.

3) How many species are listed as endangered or threatened in the United States?
a.) about 750
b.) about 4,000
c.) about 1,300

4) There are more listed species in _______ than there are in any other state.
a.) Hawaii
b.) California
c.) Florida
d.) Alaska

5) There are endangered and threatened species in ______ state(s).
a.) 1
b.) 37
c.) 50
d.) 44

6) Which group of animals in our country is the most endangered?
a.) Birds
b.) Mammals
c.) Fish
d.) Insects

7) This fish (found only in Arizona) was once on the brink of extinction, but could now see a delisting proposal as early as 2011—which would make it the first fish to ever be removed from list of endangered and threatened species!
a.) Cutthroat trout
b.) Atlantic salmon
c.) Pallid sturgeon
d.) Apache trout

8) What is the most common threat resulting in species becoming endangered or threatened?
a.) Habitat loss and degradation
b.) Invasive species
c.) Disease
d.) Overharvesting

9) It is estimated that ______% of freshwater mussels in the U.S. are extinct, endangered, or in need of special protection.
a.) 33%
b.) 25%
c.) 50%
d.) 70%

10) When the ______ was listed as threatened in 2008, it marked the first time the Endangered Species Act was used to protect a species threatened by the impacts of climate change.
a.) Pika
b.) Polar bear
c.) Marmot

11) Since the Endangered Species Act was passed in 1973, how many species have been removed from the threatened and endangered list because they went extinct?
a.) More than 50?
b.) About 25?
c.) Fewer than 10?

12) Name the recovered species that is also our national symbol.
a.) Gray wolf
b.) Bald eagle
c.) Peregrine falcon

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