Thursday, June 6, 2024

Jersey State Parks Passport

The Jersey State Parks Passport is a virtual guide to New Jersey’s relaxation- and recreation-filled parks from High Point State Park at the top of the state, all the way down to Cape May Point State Park at the tip, and dozens of places in between.

Important note up front: The Jersey State Parks Passport does NOT cover entry fees for parks that charge admission, but is a mobile program that tracks your park visits to award prizes. 

A good guide for hikers and bikers, paddlers, and any outdoor explorers. It is a fun thing to do this summer as a family while school is out. Earn points that can be redeemed for essential Jersey State Parks Passport gear and most participating parks award bonus points for visiting a specific location or engaging in a special activity.

It is a good resource for residents and especially for out-of-state tourists.

Full information at


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