Thursday, August 25, 2011

Green Acres Program Fiftieth Anniversary Photo Contest

A picture may be worth a thousand words, but how many pictures would it take to capture the amazing diversity and beauty of 650,000 acres of open space and parks protected in New Jersey over the past 50 years with the help of the state's Green Acres Program?

These last days of summer and early autumn still offer time to explore the parks and open spaces nearest you, and what better way to celebrate your special place than by taking a photograph.

Nearly every community in New Jersey has been touched by the Department of Environmental Protection's Green Acres Program. To help celebrate its 50th anniversary, DEP announced the photo contest in June, marking when the first Green Acres bond referendum was signed. The deadline for the photo contest is October 16.

The contest is open to anyone six years of age or older. The goal is to photograph a New Jersey park or open space property that is preserved with Green Acres funds, many of which are marked with distinctive green and white Green Acres signs emblazoned with a Mercer oak tree.

 Participants are encouraged to enter up to 3 photos (one per category) in the following categories:
  1. People in Parks
  2. Scenic
  3. Nature in New Jersey Close-Up
Prizes and certificates will be awarded to the winners at a public ceremony and the winning photos will be displayed online at the Green Acres website as well as at various parks throughout the state.

Need help finding the Green Acres properties nearest you? Visit the program's 50th anniversary website at There you can search the program's Open Space Database or search for properties by using a state map.

Additional photo contest details, rules, judging and submission forms are available online

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