Wednesday, May 27, 2009

The Endangered & Nongame Species Program's Speakers Bureau

The Division of Fish and Wildlife's Endangered & Nongame Species Program (ENSP), through the Conserve Wildlife Foundation of NJ, offers interested groups an informative slide presentation and discussion on the efforts to research, manage and protect endangered and threatened species in New Jersey. Volunteers are also available to attend events with an exhibit to provide information about the ENSP's work and our endangered and nongame wildlife.

More than 50 trained Wildlife Conservation Corps volunteers with an outstanding knowledge of our program and commitment to this effort present this slide presentation and represent us at events.

The slide program lasts approximately 30 minutes and is geared toward adult audiences. Presence at events is flexible and arranged on a case by case basis.

The Speakers Bureau is always looking for new volunteers who would like to help spread the word about the work being done by the Endangered & Nongame Species Program. If you have some spare time and a talent for giving presentations or talking to people, you may be interested in signing up for the Speakers Bureau.

To schedule a presentation or participation in an event, or to volunteer as a speaker, contact or you call the Conserve Wildlife Foundation of NJ at 609-984-0621.

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