Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Earth Day 2020 Is Going Digital

To commemorate the 50th anniversary of Earth Day on April 22, the National Park Service (NPS) will be highlighting earth sciences and stewardship of natural resources throughout April. National Park Week is April 18-26 this year.

With the Earth and its people ravaged by the COVID-19 virus pandemic this month and for an unknown amount of time in the future, the annual global celebration is going digital this year.

NPS parks, programs, and partners will be featuring online resources and things to do in your home or community. 

Check out the website at nps.gov/...npscelebrates/earth-day 

Earth Day is normally celebrated outdoors with big events, but this year education and celebrations may be in a backyard, neighborhood green space, or a big or small park.

At this time, the NPS is taking extraordinary steps to implement the latest guidance from state and local authorities, which support the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention's efforts to promote social distancing and slow the spread of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19). Find the latest information on the NPS response to COVID-19.

If you do choose to visit a park, check individual park websites for alerts and changes in operations and remember to follow CDC guidelines for social distancing and other ways to protect yourself and others. 

On social media, share your favorite national park photos, moments, or online resources such as Junior Ranger books or virtual ranger tours using #EarthDay and #FindYourPark

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