Friday, April 17, 2009

Part-Time Assistants Needed to Protect Critical Shorebird Beaches of Delaware Bay in Cape May County

Here's a good opportunity to help with NJ's endangered species program and get paid.

Short-term shorebird stewards are needed by the Endangered and Nongame Species Program to protect critical shorebird beaches along the Delaware Bay in Cape May County.

The job includes educating beach visitors as to the importance of the beaches to horseshoe crabs and migrating shorebirds, by handing out literature, answering questions and showing people the shorebirds and horseshoe crabs.

Stewards are needed from May 10-11 and May 17- June 1.

Interested applicants must be available to work at least two full days, 7-8 hours a day.

Pay Rate is $8.50 an hour. A training will be held on May 3rd

No housing is available. Applicants must have own transportation.

Please submit a short one-page resume explaining your interest, and any training and experience, both with wildlife and people. Also tell us whether you would be available to work full-time or part-time.

CONTACT by e-mail:

or by mail:
Larissa Smith
NJ Division of Fish and Wildlife
2201 County Route 631
Woodbine, NJ 08270
(609) 628-0402

Horseshoe crabs provide important benefits. Each spring, the crab's eggs feed hungry shorebirds that stop along Delaware Bay to fuel up for the migration north to Arctic nesting grounds. In human medicine, one of the crab's most important contributions is a compound in its blood which is used by the pharmaceutical industry to test intravenous drugs for bacteria. Blood for this test is removed without harming the animal. (Photo by Bill Hall via NOAA)

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