Friday, July 29, 2016

Update: Piping Plovers at Island Beach State Park

The following is an update from NJDEP Division of Fish and Wildlife biologist Christina Davis on the Piping Plovers nesting on the beach in Island Beach State Park:

It's been a week of highs and lows for our plover brood!  Last Saturday, 7/23, one of the two remaining chicks was observed with a moderate limp. There was no obvious cause of injury and the bird was still quite active, but its mobility was compromised. Piping Plovers (and especially chicks) do not fare particularly well in rehab so our preference is always to leave the individual in the wild, when possible. Given the condition of the chick, we decided to take a wait and see attitude.

By Monday, the limp had not improved. We had already planned to band the chicks that day (four color markers, two on each upper leg, specific to that individual) so we took the opportunity to get the bird in hand and examine the issue. We also had a veterinarian on standby ready to review photos and videos we sent her.

The problem area was the left foot, which was swollen, and the wing, which was a bit droopy. Considering that the chick is still growing (hampering efforts to treat it) , and that there were no signs of breaks or infection, a case could be made to release it. On the flip side, the chick weighed much less than its sibling (20g vs 25g) and the limp was quite pronounced. After much debate, and the appearance of a red fox seemingly attracted to the area by the chick calling, we determined the best course of action would be a stint in rehab. The healthy chick was released and the injured one taken from the site.

At the rehabilitation facility it was confirmed that there did not appear to be any breaks or fractures to the wing or the foot. This was good news as setting or immobilizing growing body parts can do more harm than good. The goal of rehab, therefore, is to allow the chick an opportunity to rest the foot and wing and to increase its weight (which is a lot easier for this species when it isn't burning calories running around).

The chick has done very well in rehab and is expected to be released soon. It has already  gained 5g and is active and alert. The healthy chick has continued to do well on site. We look forward to reuniting them!

When chicks are banded researchers do usually name them. This is primarily for ease of reference as a name is easier to recall/refer to than a band code. These two chicks are named Phipps (healthy chick) and Freeman (injured chick) as a tip of our hats to Island Beach's history. They can be identified by their band colors:

Phipps - Left upper leg is a black over a red band and the upper right is a blue over a yellow band (LR:BY)
Freeman - Left upper leg is a black over red band and the upper left is a blue over a green band (LR:BG)

As you can imagine, it is a lot easier to say (and remember), "Hurray, Freeman is in great shape and almost ready for release!" than "Hurray, Black over red, blue over green is in great shape and almost ready for release!"

The chicks hit an important milestone today (Thursday, July 28), by surviving 25 days. At this point, their flight feathers are coming in and they will start trying to fly very soon. It will take them time to become competent, but just like the Wright brothers, every day forward will bring them closer to mastering this skill.

For information on beach nesting birds in New Jersey visit

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

There's a Rattlesnake in the Neighborhood

A timber rattlesnake found in Manchester, NJ
(Credit: Manchester Police)
There is something about seeing certain species that automatically put the average citizen into panic mode. This is true with sharks, bats, some insects and snakes. For all of those examples, there are different species within our state of shoreline and some are potentially dangerous while others are not at all.

The danger for these species is that many people react in the same way to all of them - kill them.

The summer always brings media reports of sharks offshore and sometimes of snakes.

New Jersey has a good number of snake species (22), but only two are venomous - the timber rattlesnake and the copperhead. I have written often here about snakes, particularly because four are endangered or threatened.

One of the endangered snakes is the timber rattlesnake and this month a sighting in a New Jersey neighborhood made its way onto the NY TV news.

A CBS News report said that rattlesnakes have been spotted "slithering" around Manchester Township, in Ocean County.

The timber rattlesnake inhabits three areas of NJ – the Kittatinny Ridge and the northernmost portion of the Highlands as well as the sprawling Pine Barrens of southern New Jersey.

The copperhead is limited to hilly, forested regions in portions of northern New Jersey and a few isolated, hilly areas of Hunterdon and Somerset counties.

Everyone knows that the rattlesnake has its rattle to distinguish it from other snakes, but many other snakes mimic the rattlesnake by shaking their tails on leaves, twigs and other objects.

A rattlesnake has jagged and dark bands extending from side to side around the center and back end of the snake.

They are a rare sighting, but, yes, being bitten by one can cause death. Police in Manchester posted photos on Facebook, warning residents of confirmed sightings of a venomous snake of about five feet in length near Pershing Avenue in the Whiting section of the township.

Timber rattlesnakes like to bask in the sun when they come out of their dens in May, but are passive unless they are threatened or provoked - whether that is intentional or accidental. Now is the mating season, and male timber rattlesnakes are out seeking out females.

Of course, you should not approach or try to handle them or remain in the area. You should not try to kill them. In New Jersey, they are on the endangered species list and intentionally killing one is illegal.

If you see a timber rattlesnake, you should note the time and place and call the New Jersey Endangered and Non-Game Species Program at (609) 628-2103 for southern New Jersey, (908) 735-8975 or (908) 735-9281 for northern New Jersey, or (877) WARN-DEP on weeknights or weekends.

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

So Far, No Zika Mosquitoes in New Jersey

Aedes aegypti

There has been a lot of press around the Zika virus that is carried by mosquitoes, and New Jersey certainly has its share of mosquitoes. But, happily, as far as we know, there are none of the disease-carrying skeeters here - so far.

Though mosquitoes are certainly not endangered or threatened in our state, we would love to see them reduced.

Aedes aegypti is the mosquito most known for carrying the Zika virus. It is found in tropical climates and is unable to survive New Jersey’s winter conditions.

The Department of Environmental Protection had a press release about providing increased resources to county mosquito commissions throughout New Jersey to combat the threat of Zika and other mosquito-borne diseases.

Zika is a viral infection that is usually spread by the bite of an infected Aedes mosquito, which also spreads dengue and chikungunya. Outbreaks typically occur in tropical Africa and southeast Asia. In May 2015, Brazil reported the first outbreak of Zika in the Americas. Zika is now present in Central and South America, and the Caribbean. To date, there has been no local transmission in the continental United States.

About one in five people develop symptoms and infection is usually mild. The most common symptoms are fever, rash, joint pain or red eyes. The biggest concern is for pregnant women because Zika can cause birth defects.

One concern for NJ is being investigated by the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. They are looking at the extent to which the Aedes albopictus – also known as the Asian tiger mosquito, which is found in New Jersey – can spread Zika. In April, the Pan American Health Organization and World Health Organization reported that Mexico had identified Asian tiger mosquitos carrying Zika.

New Jersey’s 21 county mosquito control agencies use many methods for mosquito control -  including aerial spraying, application of approved insecticides, water management programs, public awareness campaigns - but my favorite is the use of natural predators. We know about how bats consume many mosquitoes, but my favorite biocontrol is using fish that love to eat mosquitos and their larvae.

Larvae-eating fish is common in New Jersey and has been used since 1991. The DEP's Hayford Fish Hatchery has stocked more than 4.4 million mosquitofish in New Jersey. This summer the hatchery is raising and distributing more than 500,000 fish, more than double a normal season.

Gambusia affinis
Five breeds of mosquito-eating fish are bred at Hackettstown for mosquito control; the fathead minnow (Pimephales promelas), the freshwater killifish (Fundulus diaphanus), the pumpkinseed sunfish (Lepomis gibbosus), the bluegill sunfish (Lepomis macrochirus) and the Gambusia affinis, also known as the mosquitofish, for biological control. The fish are raised at the Hayford Hatchery and distributed, at no charge, to county mosquito control agencies.

Saturday, July 9, 2016

Nesting Pair of Piping Plovers at Island Beach State Park

A pair of piping plovers is now nesting on the beach at Island Beach State Park, the first ocean side nest in more than 25 years and the first in the park in more than a decade.

This is great news for recovery of this federally threatened and state endangered bird.

NJDEP Division of Fish and Wildlife biologists hope this is an indication of a rebounding population after sharp declines witnessed between 2003 and 2014.

To give this new pair of piping plovers their best chance of successfully fledging their young, sportfishing vehicles are temporarily restricted from the beach. DEP officials did not make this decision lightly, recognizing that anglers who have purchased passes for the privilege of driving on the beach will be temporarily restricted from the area.

Without this measure, it would be highly likely that one or more of the chicks would be killed by the high volume of traffic this section of beach experiences on a typical summer weekend day. The state recognizes its responsibility to support the recovery of this imperiled species and to follow guidance provided by U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and state Endangered and Nongame Species Program biologists to protect the chicks.

Pedestrian access to the area will remain open, but the public is required to observe fencing and other regulations (such as no dogs on beach) to protect the nest and chicks. While the vehicle closure will provide some protection for the plovers, it by no means guarantees that plover chicks will survive. Many other factors play a role in determining fate of piping plover broods, such as weather, predation and feeding success.

For more information on the nest, including its impact on park visitors, and links to more information, visit

Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Observing (and Reporting) New Jersey's Endangered Species

Is that a bobcat or a feral house cat?

I sometimes get requests here about "where to find endangered species" in New Jersey. Of course, in general, we don't want you to be seeking out and disturbing threatened or endangered species.

We have about 500 animal species in our state and 83 of are classified by the state as endangered or threatened.

No one will stop from birdwatching for endangered birds - peregrine falcons, northern goshawks, red knots, piping plovers, short-eared owls, black skimmers and our breeding populations of bald eagles - but don't approach them or their nests.

There are guides (Endangered and Threatened Wildlife of New Jersey) and places online that can point you to areas where endangered species have been reported, but they are somewhat general.

You would be lucky to spot one of our elusive bobcats. And some other endangered mammals, such as Indiana bats and Allegheny woodrats, are more likely to be avoided by the average citizen.

We have six whale species listed and everyone loves to see them, either passing offshore or while on a whale watch boat that, hopefully, stays the legal distance away from them. The six are blue, fin, humpback, sperm, sei and North Atlantic right whales.

Have you spotted a bald eagle, bobcat, peregrine falcon, bog turtle, corn snake, blue-spotted salamander or southern gray tree frog? The New Jersey Division of Fish & Wildlife's Endangered and Nongame Species Program would be happy to hear from you. Volunteers and "Citizen Scientists" are useful for record keeping on the places where these species are found.

The state's endangered reptiles and amphibians include timber rattlesnakes, corn snakes, bog turtles, Atlantic loggerhead and leatherback turtles, blue-spotted and eastern tiger salamanders, and southern gray tree frogs.

Invertebrates on the list include northeastern beach tiger beetles, gray petaltail dragonflies, Aragos skipper butterflies and green floater mussels.

Two fish, Atlantic and shortnose sturgeon, are on the endangered list.

Last year, citizen scientists reported 465 rare species sightings, which supplemented about 2,000 staff reports.

There were probably a few reports of wolves, moose and other animals that do not live in our state. Some coyotes turn out to be dogs. So, you need to know your species. Look at the list of New Jersey's endangered and threatened animals, at and check out the online field guide to help you identify these species found at

How to report spotting a rare animal: Go to and download a report form which will ask you to filling some information, a map showing where the sighting occurred and, if possible, photos, video or audio recordings.

Saturday, July 2, 2016

Green Navigation

Press Release: DEP Promotes Environmentally Friendly Trips for Boating Through Ecologically Sensitive Areas of Barnegat Bay

The Department of Environmental Protection is asking boaters to be cautious this summer as they navigate a number of ecologically sensitive areas of Barnegat Bay.

Reducing the impacts from boating and the use of personal watercraft to the most critical areas of the bay’s ecosystems is part of the Christie Administration’s comprehensive efforts to protect and restore the bay.

“The reduction of watercraft impacts helps protect the environmentally sensitive ecosystems of the bay, including wetlands, shellfish and fish habitats and aquatic vegetation,” said DEP Commissioner Bob Martin. “It is especially important that we work with the boating community to help protect and maintain this environmental treasure, which offers such a wealth of recreation and tourism opportunities for New Jersey residents and visitors.”

Boaters can access an online interactive map on mobile devices and computers to find the locations of 16 designated ecologically sensitive zones of Barnegat Bay. The maps can also show the locations for marinas, sewage pump-out facilities, bait and tackle shops, launches and ramps, restrooms, and places to dispose of trash.

The map may be found at

New Jersey’s boating and fishing industries also are involved in the effort to promote ‘green’ boating.

“Recreational marine businesses, especially marinas, depend heavily on clean water and a healthy boating environment,” said Melissa Danko, Executive Director of the Marine Trades Association of New Jersey. “As an industry, we work hard every day to preserve our natural resources and encourage boaters to do their part when out on the water and to be aware of their actions and impacts at all times. By working together, we will be able help protect our natural resources not only for this generation but for generations to come.”

The 75-mile environmentally sensitive estuarine system of Barnegat Bay is home to plants, fish and other wildlife. It contains submerged aquatic vegetation that serves as nursery grounds for fish and wildlife. Motor boat propellers and turbulence caused by boat wakes can disturb and harm these sensitive areas.

To help maintain the vibrancy of Barnegat Bay, DEP encourages boaters to follow these guidelines:

  • Stay out of restricted areas set aside for wildlife
  • Do not harass nesting birds and other animals
  • Maintain a 100-foot distance from natural shorelines
  • Minimize wakes in all shallow areas to help reduce erosion and harm to aquatic animals and plants
  • Buoy mooring chains and lines to prevent them from scraping the bay’s bottom and harming submerged aquatic vegetation
  • Appreciate wildlife from a distance
  • Reduce air pollution by not idling in open water

To learn more about environmentally conscious boating, and reducing impact to Barnegat Bay and other state waterways, visit:

For clean boating tip sheets available to boaters through the Clean Marian Program, visit:

For more information about the Christie Administration’s Barnegat Bay Action Plan, visit: